SUNFERT fertilizer for agriculture and fisheries may increase the production of 40-100% and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 50% as well as environmentally friendly. FERTILIZER SUNFERT....
CV.AGRO GLOBAL MANDIRI is a distributor company in agroculture namely : fertilizer, pestiside, etc.
We are one of Shipping Lines & freight forwarding company located at MAKASSAR, SOUTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA. We do serve better for your export/ Import to round the world. Please find below our....
Biophosko� � Compost Bin [ L] with dimension ( Height = 90 cm, Diameter = 55 cm) , a drum made of plastic is the right solutions to overcome trash ( especially for organics trashes came from....
Acting as marketing agency of PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana ( PT CVSK) , which produces complete fertilizer tablets ( PMLT) Gramalet� � flexible formula and formula specific crop Gramafix� � . Associated....
We provide housing / room for rent in area Donggi Senoro project Desa Uso Batui Banggai Regency. Available 25 rooms, can be rent for daily, weekly, montly, yearly. Only 800 meters from LNG....
We have branches in Makassar, Tonasa, Sorowako, Luwuk Banggai ( dongi senoro LNG Project) to support your project in providing Lincoln welding machine and consumables; Safety Equipment, and general....
obile Hopper is a tool commonly used in the location of the port and dock to receive the form of bulk materials such as fertilizers, sugar and others from the grab. after the insert into the mobile....
herbal ( chinese medicine) to cure all deaseses without side effect.
ZahrahMandiri manages gold mine, irone eagle mine, coal mine
100% Organic Liquid Fertilizer " Indonesian Farmers' Organic Veraone edition is 100% pure organic fertilizer free of chemicals that is rich in nutrients for optimal growth and development of crops, ....
Surely it is time to Prosperous Farmer with PT. Alur Ceria Alami as agro-industry company with major product 100% organic liquid fertilizer " Indonesian Farmers' organic veraone edition. Pure 100% ....
Operation in General tradings, specially in agro-business distribute harvest product from local farmers in South Sulawesi. Also distribute some fertilizer to farmers.