We are seaweed suppliers from Makassar-Indonesia We have a E-Spinosum, gracilaria and E-Cottoni dried 35-38% , dirt 2% max We can supply in large quantities
ASOSIASI REKANAN PENGADAAN BARANG DAN DISTRIBUTOR INDONESIA ( ARDIN INDONESIA) Sertifikat kompetensi dan kualifikasi perusahaan ini telah di registrasi pada kamar dagang dan industri indonesia dan....
Our company is engaged in trade and services. Starting from nickel, electronic items such as laptop batteries, seats, vegetables, seaweed, charcoal and animal feed. We also provide a warehouse for....
Our company sells and buy onions in large quantities
Mandiri Home shopping is a business that specializes in services. We help you to buy their daily needs, which you could not do that.We understand that some people in makassar is the businessman who....