we sell excavator swamp or amphibious excavator or swamp buggy or swamp bachoe. contact person: abdul lathif HP: 081241346651 Email: abd.lathif@ yahoo.co.id
Jameson' s Hardware Supermarlket. Jl.Dr.W.s.Husodo No. 147- 149. Mkassar 90173. Telp : 62 411 3617198. Email: jamesons.mks@ gmail.com
Moving companies in the field of General Contractors, Procurement of goods and services that have long engaged in the procurement of seeds, tools - tools, drugs - drugs and means of agriculture, ....
we sell amphibious excavator or swamp excavator or floating excavator or excavator dredger. we sell ponton for pontoon undercarriage excavator, to change standard become amphibious excavator / ....