HONEY QUEEN Trigona is Sharia Organic Forest Honey from bees producing Propolis Best in the world at the Develop by PT. BAHTERA SYAFANA Indonesia, with Modern Technology Through Standardized Process....
HONEY QUEEN Trigona is Sharia Organic Forest Honey in Develop by PT. BAHTERA SYAFANA Indonesia, with Modern Technology Through Standardized Process Reduces WATER LEVELS Under Expert Supervision Team....
once therapy RP.60000 call RP.70000 Benefits bruise Bruise In concept, dirty blood is blood that does not work anymore, so it is not needed for the body and must be discarded. Spiritually, " dirty" ....
1. Verily the most ideal way of treatment that you use is Hijamah ( bruise) ( Muttafaq ' alaihi, Sahih Bukhari ( no. 2280) and Saheeh Muslim ( no. 2214) 2. From Ibn Abbas RA, the Prophet SAW said....
Komposisi: Oleum Cocos â € ¦ .. 60% Oleum Cajuputih â € ¦ . 5% Oleum Citronellae â € ¦ ..5% Oleum Terebinthinae â € ¦ .. 5% Piperis Folium â € ¦ .. 3% Zingiberis Rhizoma ..... 2% Curcumae Rhizoma....
Supply anything you need also souvenir that made from real butterfly and real beetle.
Red Froots of Papua [ Pandanus conoideus Lam] or Sari Buah Merah or Red Fruit of Papua has been proved as a herbal treatment for chronic and degenerative desease such as cancer/ tumor, diabetic, stroke....
We provide Pandanus fruit juice or Red Fruit/ Froot' s of Papua, Sari Buah Merah [ Pandanus conoideus Lam] and Mahkotadewa [ Phaleria macrocarpa] herbs medication for any desease, chronic desease as well....