Lotion which can make the skin look white 10x and makes the skin becomes shiny and moist . Consists of : -racikan bleach -Double acid moisturizing -lactid -Sodium casenate -Minerals , fatty....
FD Skincare, merupakan penyedia sekaligus produksi Produk untuk perawatan kulit antara lain, mengobati jerawat, menghilangkan flek, noda hitam, muka kusam, putih dan mempesona, serta membuat tubuh....
SULPHUR concoction khususjerawat_ kulitbersih Acne drug that is able to overcome : - Inflamed pimples - Cystic acne - Acne sand - Acne boils And is able to stop acne that will grow for 1 day .....
2 face cream that is able to overcome : - dull - Spots and black spots - Shrink pores Cream that easily blends with skin Looks supple and toned KUPAS - KUPAS No No NO IRRITATION sore