MUG is one NinoMedia products to solutions 1. souvenir Komunitas 2. wedding souvenirs 3. activities of the company 4. Program promotion tool 5. promotion party 6. Personal Mug 7. Etc.. ....
Nino Media is one of the Home Based Industry engaged in printing in Makassar who became one printing solution that seeks to meet the needs of Customer , Quality Aspects of Design , Print Quality , ....
we sell ceramic/ porselen chinese from dinasty Tshong, Tang, Ming. Very2 old. if you have any inquiry pls contact us; email:
we sell old ceramic, porselen china from dinasty tang/ song, and Ming. We have various from small and big vas, etc ......
Antique jar which have more than centenary.look for buyer or antique goods collector, ad for from within and from abroad. Beside jar there' s engraving draw dragon and on the other side engraving him....
antique jar which have more than centenary. look for buyer or antique goods collector, from within and from abroad